Flu nowcasting system.
Note: This system is designed to nowcast ILI driven by seasonal influenza and is NOT designed to nowcast ILI during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Delphi’s “Wisdom of crowds” forecasting system: Used for Chikungunya, flu and most recently Covid.
Note: This system is has been repurposed to forecast ILI during the COVID-19 pandemic.
State-level weekly forecasts of ILI (influenza-like illness)
Note: This system is designed to forecast ILI driven by seasonal influenza and is NOT designed to forecast ILI during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have temporarily shut it down to focus on COVID-19.
Epidemiological time series visualizer
API for getting up-to-date epidemiological data (also available via a web interface through EpiVis)
Epidemiological forecasting R package
Epidemiological nowcasting via sensor fusion
Visual comparison of scored submissions to CDC Flu Forecasting Challenge (provide your own score files)
Epidemiological modeling utilities (e.g., date/epi-weeks conversions)
All source code is freely available on GitHub.